Giant Kiyawasp

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This is a giant wasp. It's called a Giant Kiyawasp due to its large size (With a wingspan up to 12 cm, and a body length up to 10 cm) and because Kiyas are particularly fond of eating them.

As Food

The Giant Kiyawasp is eaten in Meó. It has a delicate, nutty flavour and its flesh has a pleasant texture. It is a highly nutritional food, being a complete protein, and a good source of Vitamin B12.

Fried Giant Kiyawasp

Giant Kiyawasps are fried in cocotato oil and, after being marinated in a light mixture of herbs, spices, and whistlefruit juice. This gives its wings and legs a crispy texture, while allowing the marinade to bring out the subtle flavours of the flesh. This is one of the most popular foods in Meó, and may be eaten on its own or in combination with other ingredients, such as cheese or vegetables. Its most popular pairing, however, is fermented <<leaf vegetable & edible peppery-cinnamony flower>> (called Chavâni), which is often chilled to contrast the hot fried wasps.

A variant of this varies in the frying process, by battering the Kiyawasps first in a <<prestige corn grain thing>> flour and egg mixture (for binding) and then deep frying it in cocotato oil. This is a popular street food in modern day Meó and is generally served by itself, with optional dipping sauces. Kantaku Fried Kiyawasp is an international franchise operating in over 200 countries that sells this and other products.

Fried Giant Kiyawasp Dumpling

Put the above in a dumpling. Delicious!