Tropical cyclone scales

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Revision as of 14:37, 14 April 2018 by Kalassak (talk | contribs)

Preliminary Pavala scale

North and South Uqe

Wind speeds in the North and South Uqe basins are given in kezpíga per úko, rounded to the nearest 10. Conversions to knots are rounded to 5. Measurements are 1-<soleani minute>/144 úko (or approx. 10-minute) averages.

Classification English translation Wind speed (kts) Wind speed (kpg/ú)
ikpaga da šekne kóhha Unnamed tropical storm < 32 kts < 100 kpg/ú
ikpaga Tropical storm 32 - 47 kts 100 - 15b kpg/ú
ikpaga náka Severe tropical storm 48 - 62 kts 160 - 1bb kpg/ú
šunokįka Tropical cyclone 63 - 94 kts 200 - 2bb kpg/ú
šunokįka náka Intense tropical cyclone 95 - 125 kts 300 - 3bb kpg/ú
šunokįka idapa Violent tropical cyclone ≥ 126 kts ≥ 400 kpg/ú