History of Nokhta

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Ancient history

Interactions with the First Htaevic Empire and the Establishment of the Niserakhian Empire

The first contact Nokhtans had with the First Htaevic Empire, a steadily growing empire past east the Khydean Plateau, were the ships sent to scout the Atrekhor Sea in the 69th century. There, they first established several city colonies on the coasts of Zankhti Island and Ivile. Years later, they eventually conquered parts of the Tail of Nokhta in the 70th century, which greatly contributed to that region's development and influence towards the rest of southern Nokhta. After the fall of the First Htaevic Empire in 7,005 Y, due to the Succlythians, the Nokhtan region that was attached to the Empire briefly fell into chaos before independent states hailing from the northern side of the Tail intervened and attempted to control the region.

Southern Nokhta began to flourish this time, as states began trading among themselves more frequently now that trade routes the south and east were disrupted for a few years. While Hsuqliht ships were known to pass through the Essom Sea just south of the Atrekhor, trading would not catch up to the same level as it was with the Htaevics until years later when the Zankhti League of Cities and Islands established a firm trading treaty with the Hsuqliht Empire in the mid-71st century.

In the Ruby River Basin, a Nokhtan named Odoni Serakh consolidated the various Ruby River states under one banner, establishing the Niserakhian Empire, in 7,096 Y. After receiving a prophecy from the town of Koviaen, which straddles between the Khydean Plateau and the Nokhtan lowlands along the Ruby River, Odoni set out to subdue the various Atrekhorian coastal states under his control. Reluctantly, the Zankhti League of Cities and Islands agreed to pay tribute to his empire, but was still allowed to trade extensively with the Hsuqliht through their southern possessions in the Essom Sea if the trade items eventually made it to Niserakhian markets.

Interactions with the Haki Republic and the Northerly Outreach

While peacetime was mostly consistent throughout the 72nd century, aside from a few skirmishes around the Atrekhor Sea, the split of the Hsuqliht Empire in 7,224 Y caused a ripple wave effect to Nokhta, as interregional trade was once again dispelled. Unlike the dissolution of the First Htaevic Empire, the newly-established Haki Republic came knocking on Nokhta's door much faster and was much less peaceful compared to their predecessors. In 7,230 Y(?), Emperor Lucclucc led an invasion force that took control of the Essom coastline of the Tail of Nokhta. While states further inland of the Tail were spared the conquest, they were forced to pay tribute to the new Haki Republican overlords, and eventually led to an end of the Zankhti League of Cities and Islands, as the Zankhtis lost control of their southern possessions and suffered extensive damage on Zankhti Island. The Niserakhian Empire was defeated at sea, and although they managed to repel a few attempts of the Haki Republic's invasions by landing, the 7th Emperor of Niserakhia, Arani Serakh, bitterly negotiated for a truce, as states of the inner Tail began to seek opportunities to strike at the Nokhtan empire. Ultimately, Arani failed to keep the few client states that he had control over, and the Empire was reduced to their home control of the Ruby River Basin.

Although the conflict harmed southern Nokhta's development and standing, it eventually recuperated its losses and began to enter a period of flourishment thanks to the influence of the Haki Republic. With maritime trading becoming more extensive, technological advancements became commonplace in the Tail of Nokhta and the Atrekhor coast. However, the Niserakhian Empire refused to trade extensively with the Haki Republic, and instead began focusing on establishing permanent trade routes to the west and north: these would include the Sapphire Basin states and the Emerald Basin states. Previously, interactions with the regions of Nokhta were kept to a minimum compared to the Atrekhorians, but the 8th Emperor of Niserakhia, Guhini Serakh, advocated establishing official relations with the various states of the west and north. This would result in the first intra-Nokhtaeic diplomatic relations in 7,255 Y, involving all three of the Grand Triple Basins.

Eventually, some time had passed and the Haki Republic's holdings in Nokhta began to weaken, as trouble began to stir within the Haki Republic's heartland. A Zankhtian by the name of Osiete Raenaya led a league of states to take over the Haki Republic lands and end their influence over the client states of the Tail, which started in 7,510 Y. The war would go on for fifteen years, as the Haki Republic began to implode from the inside with a civil war known as the Shattering in 7,520 Y. With the Haki Republic now distracted elsewhere, they relinquished their control over their territories and client states, and quietly left Nokhta. After the war, southern Nokhta began to celebrate for some time and enjoyed relative peace for centuries... probably.


Golden Imperial Suites

The Golden Imperial Suites were the Nokhtaeic empires that controlled the entirety of the Atrekhor Sea, the sea between the Tail of Nokhta and the southwestern coast of the Khydean Plateau, for over a millennium. Starting with the Royekhan Empire, in which they first conquered the southern Atrekhorian coast in 8,100 Y, successive empires followed suit of the practice of controlling the Atrekhor Sea. The Golden Imperial Suites included the empires of:

  • Royekha (8,007–8,332 Y) (325 years)
  • Ozonte (8,360-8,513 Y) (153 years)
  • Denetiks (8,634-8,830 Y) (206 years)
  • Narami (8,839-9,028 Y) (189 years)
  • Idetka (9,029-9,339 Y) (310 years)

Each empire was notable for having achieved various territorial ambitions. The Royekhan Empire was the first to control the entire Atrekhorian Sea and has influenced the identity of the Ruby River civilization ever since, including their royal lineage being traced to the later Idetkan Empire's royal family. The Ozonte Empire was the first to extend its control to the center of the Emerald Basin and further north to be connected to the Demitha Sea, ultimately influencing states nations and the Northerly Island. The Denetiks Empire expanded its control towards the Forbidden Ocean in the Northern Tail, as well as conquering the Palace of Magnificence in the Khydean Plateau, holding the title of Heavenly Overlord of Khydea and being the de jure empire of the Khydean Plateau for some time. The Naramian Empire began extending Nokhtan influence prominently towards the south and southeastern, becoming more involved in the affairs of the rest of southern Delezia and its seas. It also transitioned into the Idetkan Empire without any major hiccups, with a brief civil war ending within a single year.

The Idetkan Empire, the last of the Golden Imperial Suites, was the most extensive empire on Nokhta in Nokhtaeic history. In its peak during 9,325 Y, its control ranged from the Twin Cities on the Demitha on its northern end; the island of Eztanokh on its western end, which they had discovered, jumpstarting the Age of Exploration; the interior of the Khydean Plateau and the Shattered Islands on its eastern end; and the lands of Unuvun on its southern end, which the Idetkan Empire had conquered following Prince Saeran's invasion. These territorial achievements were a result of its supreme dominance against foreign rivals, including the conquest of the Green Tongue civilization of Nokhta, which had been one of the Ruby River civilization's rivals for over a millenium; the defeat of the Sapphire-Emerald alliance; and spelled the end of the Second Htaevic Empire in the late 91st century. A supreme golden age in Nokhtan history, it also had one of the deadliest conflicts in postclassical Nokhtan history towards the empire's expiration, beginning with the founding of Rokhtaera in 9,340 Y and the start of the Tarnishing Disaster wars.

The long gap between the Ozonte Empire and the Denetiks Empire is called the Khydean Impetus Age, where various Khydean clans in the Southern Khydean Plateau launched an assault across the decaying Ozonte Empire. As a result, it greatly fractured the political landscape of southern Nokhta, and much of the Ruby River Basin came under the control of the Khydeans, becoming the first time in history where non-Nokhtaeic parties had controlled it extensively. In the year 8,523, the Empire of Entani was founded by the Heavenly Overlord of Khydea, Imbo the Wondrous, alongside the Ruby River in Larian, twenty kilometers away from the present-day city of Sosena. The Empire of Entani continued fighting brutal wars against the remnants of the Ozonte Empire, including the Praezonte Empire and the High Kingdom of Akonte, which the royal family of Ozonte still controlled.

also this will probably be formatted differently at a later time...

Early modern modern

Late modern