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Meó (Officially Hlazetha Meó "The Meó Empire") is a nation on the southern tip of Delezia. It is approximately three and a half million square kilometres in size. It lies to the north of the Shattered Islands and Unuvun, and to the east of Nohkta. It is a major world power and is home to hundreds of millions of people.

A popular sport is Kuandi Yavi.

Participation in the Windward wars

"i can't stand these pendejas" - Lil Miz Meo IV



Meal at dawn ish (breakfast), meal at dusk (dinner), then just eat whenever you're hungry for the rest of the day. Food is very communal and important.

Breakfast: a traditional Meó breakfast consists of a Cheese Omelette type thing made with Mamona cheese, and some spices and occasionally cabbage - these omelettes vary in thickness, sometimes they are crepe-like, sometimes they are close to an inch thick. This is served alongside Cocotato Bread (made with milk in the batter, and fried in its oils) that is then slit and stuffed with purple avocado paste, and possibly a diverse array of fillings such as meat, cheese, vegetables, fruit, beans, and/or mushrooms (like an arepa). In addition to this is a bean dish that may also contain vegetables, spices, and sauces - this is served on the side, but may be stuffed into the cocotato bread itself. Breakfast is served with whistlefruit and [tea analagoue].


Population: Population::456,243,601

Continent - Continent::Delezia