
From PavHaki Wiki

--[[NOTE: this module contains functions for generating the table structure of the clade tree:

The main function is called by the template using the Template:Invoke instruction; the three main functions are:

       p.main(frame) - opens and closes table, loops through the children of node, main is invoked once and controls the rest, calling ...
       p.addTaxon(childNumber, nodeLeaf) - the nuts and bolts; code dealing with each child node
       p.addLabel(childNumber) - adds the label text


local p = {}

--[[============================== main function =========================== -- main function, which will generate the table structure of the tree

Test version: Usage: Script error: No such module "Module:Sandbox/Jts1882/CladeN". Template:CladeN

Release version: Usage:

Template:Clade ]]

function p.main(frame)

local cladeString = "" local maxChildren = 20 -- currently 17 in the clade/cladex templates local childNumber = 0

   lastNode = 0 -- make this global for now 

local nodeCount = 0 -- total leafs plus new clade branches local leafCount = 0 -- just the terminal leaves local cladeCount = 0 -- new clade calls (each with a table) local childCount = 0 -- number of leaves in the clade (can use to set bottom of bracket in addTaxon() local totalCount = 0

   infoOutput = p.getCladeTreeInfo() -- get info about clade structure, e.g. lastNode (last |N= child number)

local tableStyle = or "" --if tableStyle == '{{{style}}}' then tableStyle = "" end -- no longer needed as pipe added to template to suppress passing of {Template:Style when no value

if tableStyle ~= "" then tableStyle = ' style="' .. tableStyle .. '"' -- include style= in string to suppress empty style elements end

   local reverseClade =frame.args.reverse or false

local captionName =mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['caption'] or "" local captionStyle = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['captionstyle'] or ""

   -- add an element to mimick nowiki WORKS BUT DISABLE FOR DEMO PURPOSES

--cladeString = '


-- open table -- (border-collapse causes problems (see talk) -- cladeString = cladeString .. '{| style="border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;margin:0;' .. tableStyle .. '"'

   -- (before CSS styling) -- cladeString = cladeString .. '{| style="border-spacing:0;margin:0;' .. tableStyle .. '"'
   cladeString = cladeString .. '{|class="clade"' .. tableStyle
   -- add caption

if captionName ~= "" then cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|+ style="' .. captionStyle .. '"|' .. captionName end

-- global nodeParameters (unnumber, i.e. color, thickness, state) apply to whole node bracket, -- but can be overrriden by branchParameters (numbered, e.g. color2, thickness2, state2) nodeColor = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['color'] or "" nodeThickness = tonumber(mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['thickness']) or 1 nodeState = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['state'] or "solid"

local moreNeeded = true childNumber = 0 --lastNode = 0

--[[get child elements (add more rows for each child of node; each child is two rows) the function addTaxon is called to add the rows for each child element; each child add two rows: the first cell of each row contains the label or sublabel (below the line label), respectively; the second cell spans both rows and contains the leaf name or a new clade structure a third cell on the top row is sometimes added to contain a group to the right ]]

-- main loop while childNumber < lastNode do -- use the last number determined in the preprocessing

childNumber = childNumber + 1 -- so we start with 1 local nodeLeaf = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args[tostring(childNumber)] or "" -- get data from |N= local nodeLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['label'..tostring(childNumber)] or "" -- get data from |labelN=

local newickString = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['newick'..tostring(childNumber)] or "" -- get data from |labelN= if newickString ~= "" then -- if using a newick string instead of a clade structure if nodeLabel == "" then -- use labelN by default, otherwise use root name from Newick string nodeLabel = p.getNewickOuterterm(newickString) -- need to use terminal part of newick string for label end cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. p.addTaxon(childNumber, p.newick(0, newickString), nodeLabel, lastNode) --lastNode=lastNode+1 -- there is a counting problem with the newickstring elseif nodeLeaf ~= "" then -- if the node contains a leaf name or clade structue if reverseClade then cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. p.addTaxonReverse(childNumber, nodeLeaf, nodeLabel, lastNode) else cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. p.addTaxon(childNumber, nodeLeaf, nodeLabel, lastNode) end end end

local footerText = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['footer'] or "" local footerStyle = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['footerstyle'] or ""

if footerText ~= "" then

cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|-style="' .. footerStyle .. '"\n|colspan="2"|

' .. footerText .. '



-- close table (wikitext to close table) cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|}'

return frame:extensionTag{ name='templatestyles', args = { src='Clade/styles.css'} } .. '\n' .. cladeString

--return '

\n' .. cladeString .. '



--[[ function to add child elements

    adds wikitext for two rows of the table for each child node, 
    	the first cell in each is used for the label and sublabel; the bottom border forms the horizonal branch of the bracket
    	the second cell is used for the leafname or a transcluded clade structure and spans both rows
    note that the first and last child nodes need to be handled differently from the middle elements

the middle elements (|2, |3 ...) use a left border to create the vertical line of the bracket the first child element doesn't use a left border for the first cell in the top row (as it is above the bracket) the last child doesn't use a left border for the first cell in the second row (as it is above the bracket) a complication is that the number of the last child node is not known; as a result the cells will be added to the row on the next iteration or after the main loop finishes ]] function p.addTaxon(childNumber, nodeLeaf, nodeLabel, lastNode)

-- (1) get formating parameters for branch (default to global nodeParameters) -- - the branch parameters have a number, e.g. |colorN, |thicknessN, |stateN -- - the node parameters have no number, e.g. |color, |thickness, |state local branchThickness = tonumber(mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['thickness'..tostring(childNumber)]) or nodeThickness local branchColor = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['color'..tostring(childNumber)] or nodeColor local branchStyle = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['style'..tostring(childNumber)] or "" local branchState = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['state'..tostring(childNumber)] or nodeState -- "solid" if branchState == 'double' then if branchThickness < 2 then branchThickness = 3 end end -- need thick line for double

   -- the left border takes node parameters, the bottom border takes branch parameters
  local bottomBorder =  tostring(branchThickness) ..'px ' .. branchState  .. (branchColor~="" and ' ' .. branchColor or )
  local leftBorder   =  tostring(nodeThickness)   ..'px ' .. nodeState  .. (nodeColor~="" and ' ' .. nodeColor or )

--[[ The default border styles should be put in the CSS Then the inline styling would only be needed when thickness, color or state are changed Hence: .clade-label {border-left:1px solid black;border-bottom:1px solid black;} .clade-slabel {border-left:1px solid black;} .clade-toplabel {border-bottom:1px solid black;} .clade-bottomsublabel {nothing} May be able to use td:first-child and td:last-child to handle top and bottom of bracket This would remove a large amount of inline styling and greatly reduce the transclusion size Need a flag to indicate when non-default styling is required --]]

-- variables for right hand bar or bracket --local barColor = "" local barRight = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['bar'..tostring(childNumber)] or "0" local barBottom = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['barend'..tostring(childNumber)] or "0" local barTop = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['barbegin'..tostring(childNumber)] or "0" local barLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['barlabel'..tostring(childNumber)] or "" local groupLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['grouplabel'..tostring(childNumber)] or "" local groupLabelStyle = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['labelstyle'..tostring(childNumber)] or ""

--replace colours with format string; need right bar for all three options if barRight ~= "0" then barRight = "2px solid " .. barRight end if barTop ~= "0" then barRight = "2px solid " .. barTop end if barBottom ~= "0" then barRight = "2px solid " .. barBottom end if barTop ~= "0" then barTop = "2px solid " .. barTop end if barBottom ~= "0" then barBottom = "2px solid " .. barBottom end

-- now construct wikitext local styleString = local cladeString =

   -- (1) wikitext for new row
   cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|-'

-- (2) now add cell with label styleString = if childNumber == 1 then -- the width gives minimum spacing when all labels are empty (was 1.5em) --(before CSS styling) -- styleString = ' style="width:1em;border:0;padding:0 0.2em;border-bottom:' .. bottomBorder .. ';vertical-align:bottom;text-align:center;' .. branchStyle .. '"'

       styleString = 'style="border-bottom:' .. bottomBorder .. ';' .. branchStyle .. '"'
	else -- for 2-17
   	--(before CSS styling) -- styleString = ' style="border:0;padding:0 0.2em;border-left:' .. leftBorder .. ';border-bottom:' .. bottomBorder .. ';vertical-align:bottom;text-align:center;' .. branchStyle .. '"'
   	styleString = 'style="border-left:' .. leftBorder .. ';border-bottom:' .. bottomBorder .. ';' .. branchStyle .. '"'


   --  add wikitext for cell with label
   cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|class="clade-label" ' .. styleString  .. '|' .. p.addLabel(childNumber,nodeLabel) -- p.addLabel(nodeLabel)

-- (3) add cell with leaf (which may be a table with transluded clade content)

   --cladeString = cladeString .. '|| rowspan=2 style="border: 0; padding: 0; border-right: ' .. barRight .. ';border-bottom: ' .. barBottom .. ';border-top: ' .. barTop .. ';' .. branchStyle .. ' " | '

styleString =

   if barRight  ~= "0"  then 
   	--(before CSS styling) -- styleString = 'style="border:0;padding:0;border-right:' .. barRight .. ';border-bottom:' .. barBottom .. ';border-top:' .. barTop .. ';' .. branchStyle .. '"'
   	styleString = ' style="border-right:' .. barRight .. ';border-bottom:' .. barBottom .. ';border-top:' .. barTop .. ';' .. branchStyle .. '"'
   	--(before CSS styling) -- styleString = 'style="border:0;padding:0;' .. branchStyle .. '"'
   	if (branchStyle ~= ) then
   		styleString = ' style="' .. branchStyle .. '"'
   -- add wikitext for leaf cell (note: nodeLeaf needs to be on newline if new wikitable)
   cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|rowspan=2 class="clade-leaf"' .. styleString .. '|\n' .. nodeLeaf 
   --cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. nodeLeaf  -- needs to be on newline if new wikitable
   -- (4) stuff for right-hand brackets

if barRight ~= "0" then

   	cladeString = cladeString .. '  '            -- add spaces between leaf text and bar

if barLabel ~= "" then

--cladeString = cladeString .. '' .. barLabel ..''

cladeString = cladeString .. '\n| rowspan=2 class="clade-bar" |' .. barLabel end end -- note: it might be useful to add rowspan=2 to allow full range of positions if groupLabel ~= ""then

--cladeString = cladeString .. '' .. groupLabel ..''

cladeString = cladeString .. '\n| rowspan=2 class="clade-bar" style="'.. groupLabelStyle .. '" |' .. groupLabel end

-- (5) add second row (only one cell needed for sublabel because of rowspan=2);

   local branchStyleString = 'style="' .. branchStyle .. '"  ' 
   if branchStyle ==  then branchStyleString =   end -- avoid empty style elements

cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|-' .. branchStyleString

  local subLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['sublabel'..tostring(childNumber)] or ""  -- request in addLabel

-- FOR TESTING: use subLabel for annotating the clade structues to use structure information (DEBUGGIING ONLY) --subLabel= '(N=' .. infoOutput .. ')' -- END TESTING

-- (6) add cell containing sublabel if childNumber~=lastNode then -- if childNumber==lastNode we don't want left border, otherwise we do styleString = ' style="border-left:' .. leftBorder ..';"'


--cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. '| style="border: 0; padding: 0; vertical-align: top;" |
' --(before CSS styling) -- styleString = 'style="border:0;vertical-align:top;text-align:center;"' styleString =

   local sublabel = p.addLabel(childNumber,subLabel)
   local classString =  -- class only needed if there is a label to display
   if sublabel ~= '
' then classString = 'class="clade-slabel" ' end cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|' .. classString .. styleString .. '|' .. sublabel

return cladeString end

-- reverse version

function p.addTaxonReverse(childNumber, nodeLeaf, nodeLabel, lastNode)

-- (1) get formating parameters for branch (default to global nodeParameters) -- - the branch parameters have a number, e.g. |colorN, |thicknessN, |stateN -- - the node parameters have no number, e.g. |color, |thickness, |state local branchThickness = tonumber(mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['thickness'..tostring(childNumber)]) or nodeThickness local branchColor = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['color'..tostring(childNumber)] or nodeColor local branchStyle = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['style'..tostring(childNumber)] or "" local branchState = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['state'..tostring(childNumber)] or nodeState -- "solid" if branchState == 'double' then if branchThickness < 2 then branchThickness = 3 end end -- need thick line for double

   -- the left border takes node parameters, the bottom border takes branch parameters
  local bottomBorder =  tostring(branchThickness) ..'px ' .. branchState  .. (branchColor~="" and ' ' .. branchColor or )
  local leftBorder   =  tostring(nodeThickness)   ..'px ' .. nodeState  .. (nodeColor~="" and ' ' .. nodeColor or )

-- variables for right hand bar or bracket --local barColor = "" local barRight = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['bar'..tostring(childNumber)] or "0" local barBottom = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['barend'..tostring(childNumber)] or "0" local barTop = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['barbegin'..tostring(childNumber)] or "0" local barLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['barlabel'..tostring(childNumber)] or "" local groupLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['grouplabel'..tostring(childNumber)] or "" local groupLabelStyle = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['labelstyle'..tostring(childNumber)] or ""

--replace colours with format string; need right bar for all three options if barRight ~= "0" then barRight = "2px solid " .. barRight end if barTop ~= "0" then barRight = "2px solid " .. barTop end if barBottom ~= "0" then barRight = "2px solid " .. barBottom end if barTop ~= "0" then barTop = "2px solid " .. barTop end if barBottom ~= "0" then barBottom = "2px solid " .. barBottom end

-- now construct wikitext local styleString = local cladeString =

   -- (1) wikitext for new row
   cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|-'
   -- (4) stuff for right-hand brackets (or left hand brackets in reverse version)

-- note: it might be useful to add rowspan=2 to allow full range of positions if groupLabel ~= ""then cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|rowspan=2 class="clade-bar" style="'.. groupLabelStyle .. '" |' .. groupLabel end

   --[[ don't use bar label in the reverse version (probably best to get rid altogether)

if barRight ~= "0" then

   	cladeString = cladeString .. '  '            -- add spaces between leaf text and bar

if barLabel ~= "" then cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|rowspan=2 style="vertical-align:middle;" |' .. barLabel end end


-- (3) add cell with leaf (which may be a table with transluded clade content)

   --cladeString = cladeString .. '|| rowspan=2 style="border: 0; padding: 0; border-right: ' .. barRight .. ';border-bottom: ' .. barBottom .. ';border-top: ' .. barTop .. ';' .. branchStyle .. ' " | '

styleString =

   if barRight  ~= "0"  then 
   	--(before CSS styling) -- styleString = 'style="border:0;padding:0;border-right:' .. barRight .. ';border-bottom:' .. barBottom .. ';border-top:' .. barTop .. ';' .. branchStyle .. '"'
   	styleString = ' style="border-left:' .. barRight .. ';border-bottom:' .. barBottom .. ';border-top:' .. barTop .. ';' .. branchStyle .. '"'
   	--(before CSS styling) -- styleString = 'style="border:0;padding:0;' .. branchStyle .. '"'
   	if (branchStyle ~= ) then
   		styleString = ' style="' .. branchStyle .. '"'
   -- add wikitext for leaf cell (note: nodeLeaf needs to be on newline if new wikitable)
   cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|rowspan=2 class="clade-leafR"' .. styleString .. '|\n' .. nodeLeaf 
   --cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. nodeLeaf  -- needs to be on newline if new wikitable

-- (2) now add cell with label styleString = if childNumber == 1 then -- the width gives minimum spacing when all labels are empty (was 1.5em) --(before CSS styling) -- styleString = ' style="width:1em;border:0;padding:0 0.2em;border-bottom:' .. bottomBorder .. ';vertical-align:bottom;text-align:center;' .. branchStyle .. '"'

       styleString = 'style="border-bottom:' .. bottomBorder .. ';' .. branchStyle .. '"'
	else -- for 2-17
   	--(before CSS styling) -- styleString = ' style="border:0;padding:0 0.2em;border-left:' .. leftBorder .. ';border-bottom:' .. bottomBorder .. ';vertical-align:bottom;text-align:center;' .. branchStyle .. '"'
   	styleString = 'style="border-right:' .. leftBorder .. ';border-bottom:' .. bottomBorder .. ';' .. branchStyle .. '"'


   --  add wikitext for cell with label
   cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|class="clade-label" ' .. styleString  .. '|' .. p.addLabel(childNumber,nodeLabel) -- p.addLabel(nodeLabel)

-- (5) add second row (only one cell needed for sublabel because of rowspan=2)

   local branchStyleString = 'style="' .. branchStyle .. '"  ' 
   if branchStyle ==  then branchStyleString =   end -- avoid empty style elements

cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|-' .. branchStyleString

   local subLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['sublabel'..tostring(childNumber)] or ""  -- request in addLabel

-- FOR TESTING: use subLabel for annotating the clade structues to use structure information (DEBUGGIING ONLY) --subLabel= '(N=' .. infoOutput .. ')' -- END TESTING

-- (6) add cell containing sublabel if childNumber~=lastNode then -- if childNumber==lastNode we don't want left border, otherwise we do styleString = ' style="border-right:' .. leftBorder ..';"'


--cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. '| style="border: 0; padding: 0; vertical-align: top;" |
' --(before CSS styling) -- styleString = 'style="border:0;vertical-align:top;text-align:center;"' styleString =

   local sublabel = p.addLabel(childNumber,subLabel)
   local classString =  -- class only needed if there is a label to display
   if sublabel ~= '
' then classString = 'class="clade-slabel" ' end cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|' .. classString .. styleString .. '|' .. sublabel

return cladeString end

--[[ adds text for label or sublabel to a cell ]] function p.addLabel(childNumber,nodeLabel)

--local nodeLabel = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['label'..tostring(childNumber)] or ""

--local firstChars = string.sub(nodeLabel, 1,2) -- get first two characters; will be {{ if no parameter (for Old method?) --if firstChars == "{{{" or nodeLabel == "" then if nodeLabel == "" then --return '
' --' 
' -- remove space to reduce post-expand include size (the width=1.5em handles spacing) --return '
' -- must return something; this is critical for clade structure return ' ' --      (thin nbsp) else -- spaces can cause wrapping and can break tree structure, hence use span with nowrap class --return '' .. nodeLabel .. ''

-- a better method for template expansion size is to replace spaces with nonbreaking spaces -- however, there is a problem if labels have a styling element (e.g. <span style= ..., <span title= ...) local stylingElementDetected = false if string.find(nodeLabel, "span ") ~= nil then stylingElementDetected = true end if string.find(nodeLabel, " style") ~= nil then stylingElementDetected = true end

if stylingElementDetected == true then return '' .. nodeLabel .. ''

   		local nowrapString = string.gsub(nodeLabel," ", " ") -- replace spaces with non-breaking space

-- could replace hyphen with non-breaking hyphen (‑) return nowrapString end end end

--[[=================== Newick string handling function ============================= ]] function p.getNewickOuterterm(newickString) return string.gsub(newickString, "%b()", "") -- delete parenthetic term end

function p.newick(count,newickString)

local cladeString = "" count = count+1 --start table --cladeString = cladeString .. '{| style="border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;border:0;margin:0;' cladeString = cladeString .. '{| class="clade" '

local j,k j,k = string.find(newickString, '%(.*%)') -- find location of outer parenthesised term local innerTerm = string.sub(newickString, j+1, k-1) -- select content in parenthesis local outerTerm = string.gsub(newickString, "%b()", "") -- delete parenthetic term if outerTerm == 'panthera' then outerTerm = "x" end -- how is this set in local variable for inner nodes?

outerTerm = tostring(count)

-- need to remove commas in bracket terms before split, so temporarily replace commas between brackets

   local innerTerm2 =  string.gsub(innerTerm, "%b()",  function (n)
                                        	return string.gsub(n, ",%s*", "XXX")  -- also strip spaces after commas here

--cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. p.addTaxon(1, innerTerm2, "")

   -- this needs a lastNode variable

local s = strsplit(innerTerm2, ",") --oldLastNode=lastNode local lastNode=table.getn(s) -- number of child branches local i=1 while s[i] do restoredString = string.gsub(s[i],"XXX", ",") -- convert back to commas --restoredString = s[i] local outerTerm = string.gsub(restoredString, "%b()", "") if string.find(restoredString, '%(.*%)') then --cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. p.addTaxon(i, restoredString, "x") cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. p.addTaxon(i, p.newick(count,restoredString), outerTerm, lastNode) -- p.addTaxon(2, p.newick(count,newickString2), "root") else cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. p.addTaxon(i, restoredString, "", lastNode) --count) end i=i+1 end

  -- lastNode=oldLastNode

-- close table --cladeString = cladeString .. '\n' .. '| style="border: 0; padding: 0; vertical-align: top;" |
\n|}' cladeString = cladeString .. '\n|

return cladeString end -- emulate a standard split string function function strsplit(inputstr, sep)

       if sep == nil then
               sep = "%s"
       local t={} ; i=1
       for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
               t[i] = str
               i = i + 1
       return t


-- =================== experimental Newick to clade parser function =============================

--[[Function of convert Newick strings to clade format

Usage: Script error: No such module "Module:Sandbox/Jts1882/CladeN". ]] function p.newickConverter(frame)

local newickString = frame.args['newickstring']

if newickString == '{{{newickstring}}}' then return newickString end

-- show the Newick string local cladeString = local levelNumber = 1 -- for depth of iteration local childNumber = 1 -- number of sister elements on node (always one for root)

-- converted the newick string to the clade structure cladeString = cladeString .. '{{clade' cladeString = cladeString .. p.newickParseLevel(newickString, levelNumber, childNumber) cladeString = cladeString .. '\r}}'

local resultString =

   local option = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['option'] or 
   if option == 'tree' then

--show the transcluded clade diagram resultString = cladeString

   	-- show the Newick string

resultString = '



-- show the converted clade structure

resultString = resultString .. '

'.. cladeString ..'


   --resultString = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'clade',  frame:preprocess(cladeString) }
   return resultString


--[[ Parse one level of Newick string

    This function receives a Newick string, which has two components
     1. the right hand term is a clade label: |labelN=labelname
     2. the left hand term in parenthesis has common delimited child nodes, each of which can be
          i.  a taxon name which just needs:  |N=leafname 
          ii. a Newick string which needs further processing through reiteration

]] function p.newickParseLevel(newickString,levelNumber,childNumber)

local cladeString = "" local indent = p.getIndent(levelNumber) --levelNumber=levelNumber+1

local j=0 local k=0 j,k = string.find(newickString, '%(.*%)') -- find location of outer parenthesised term local innerTerm = string.sub(newickString, j+1, k-1) -- select content in parenthesis local outerTerm = string.gsub(newickString, "%b()", "") -- delete parenthetic term

cladeString = cladeString .. indent .. '|label'..childNumber..'=' .. outerTerm cladeString = cladeString .. indent .. '|' .. childNumber..'=' .. '{{clade'

levelNumber=levelNumber+1 indent = p.getIndent(levelNumber)

-- protect commas in inner parentheses from split; temporarily replace commas between parentheses local innerTerm2 = string.gsub(innerTerm, "%b()", function (n) return string.gsub(n, ",%s*", "XXX") -- also strip spaces after commas here end)

local s = strsplit(innerTerm2, ",") local i=1 while s[i] do restoredString = string.gsub(s[i],"XXX", ",") -- convert back to commas

local outerTerm = string.gsub(restoredString, "%b()", "") if string.find(restoredString, '%(.*%)') then --cladeString = cladeString .. indent .. '|y' .. i .. '=' .. p.newickParseLevel(restoredString,levelNumber+1,i) cladeString = cladeString .. p.newickParseLevel(restoredString,levelNumber,i) else cladeString = cladeString .. indent .. '|' .. i .. '=' .. restoredString --.. '(level=' .. levelNumber .. ')' end i=i+1 end -- end -- end splitting of strings

cladeString = cladeString .. indent .. '}}'

   return cladeString


function p.getIndent(levelNumber) local indent = "\r" local extraIndent = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['indent'] or 0

while tonumber(extraIndent) > 0 do indent = indent .. " " -- an extra indent to make aligining compound trees easier extraIndent = extraIndent - 1 end

while levelNumber > 1 do indent = indent .. " " levelNumber = levelNumber-1 end return indent end

function p.newickstuff(newickString)


function p.test2(target) local target ="User:Jts1882/sandbox/templates/Template:Passeroidea" local result = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = target, args = {['style'] = } } return result end

function p.toggle(frame)

if 1==2 then return 'some text' end

--local toggleSymbol = 'toggle all' local toggleSymbol = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['button'] or ""

local toggleString = '<div class="'

   local i=0
   while 	i < 20 do  -- limit on number of toggle elements controlled by the trigger button
   	i = i + 1 -- so we start with 1

local target = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['id'..tostring(i)]

-- add classes for the three elements of each target: expand symbol, collapse symbol and contents if target ~= nil then

           toggleString = toggleString .. ' mw-customtoggle-myClade' .. target 
               ..             ' mw-customtoggle-collapseSymbol' .. target 
               ..             ' mw-customtoggle-expandSymbol' .. target 

toggleString = toggleString .. '">' .. toggleSymbol .. ''

 return toggleString


function p.hidden(frame)

   local id = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['id'] or ""
   local mode = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['mode'] or "right"
   local expandSymbol = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['expand-symbol'] or "⊞"
   local collapseSymbol = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['collapse-symbol'] or "⊟"
   local initialState = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['expanded']
   -- default is content collapsed
   local contentState = " mw-collapsed" -- class to collapse content at start
   local collapseSymbolState = " mw-collapsed"
   local expandSymbolState = ""
   if initialState then
      contentState = ""
      collapseSymbolState =  ""
      expandSymbolState = " mw-collapsed" 
   -- collapsible element containing the expand sympol and/or text

local expandSymbolString = '' .. '

' .. '
               .. '' .. expandSymbol .. ''
.. '


   -- collapsible element containing the clade content 

local contentString = '' .. '

' .. '
' -- don't toggle on the content
               .. '\n' .. p.main(frame)  -- important to start wikitext tables on new line
.. '


   -- collapsible element containing the collapse sympol and/or text

local collapseSymbolString = '' .. '

' .. '
               .. '' .. collapseSymbol .. ''
.. '


local tableStyle = or "" if tableStyle == '{{{style}}}' then tableStyle = "" end

local cladeString = '

' cladeString = cladeString .. expandSymbolString if mode == "left" then cladeString = cladeString .. collapseSymbolString end cladeString = cladeString .. contentString if mode == "right" then cladeString = cladeString .. collapseSymbolString end -- Note: if we want collapse string left and right it needs an extra element with a different id cladeString = cladeString .. '


return cladeString end

--[[function getCladeTreeInfo() this preprocessing loop gets information about the whole structure (number of nodes, leaves etc) it makes a redundant calls to the templates through transclusion, but doen't affect the template depths; it provides the global lastNode that is used to limit the main while loop --]] function p.getCladeTreeInfo()

   -- enable proprocessing loop
   local childNumber = 0
   local childCount =0
   local maxChildren =20
   --info veriables (these are global for now)

while childNumber < maxChildren do -- preprocessing loop childNumber = childNumber + 1 -- so we start with 1 local nodeLeaf,data = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args[tostring(childNumber)] or "" -- get data from |N=

       local newickString = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent().args['newick'..tostring(childNumber)] or ""  -- get data from |labelN=

if newickString ~= "" or nodeLeaf ~= "" then --if nodeLeaf ~= "" then childCount = childCount + 1 -- this counts child elements in this clade --[[] for i in string.gmatch(nodeLeaf, "||rowspan") do -- count number of rows started (transclusion)

  				nodeCount = nodeCount + 1

for i in string.gmatch(nodeLeaf, '{|class="clade"') do -- count number of tables started (transclusion)

  				cladeCount = cladeCount + 1
    		-- count occurences of clade structure tables and double span rows
           _, cladeCount = string.gsub(nodeLeaf, '{|class="clade"', "")
           _, nodeCount = string.gsub(nodeLeaf, "||rowspan", "")

lastNode = childNumber -- this gets the last node with a valid entry, even when missing numbers end end --]]

   -- nodes can be either terminal leaves or a clade structure (table)
   nodeCount = nodeCount + childCount + 1-- number of double rows passed down by transduction plus current child elements (plus one for current clade)

cladeCount = cladeCount + 1 -- number of clade structure tables passed down by transduction (plus one for current clade) leafCount = nodeCount-cladeCount -- number of terminal leaves (equals height of cladogram) infoOutput = nodeCount -- global

return cladeCount


-- this must be at end

return p