
From PavHaki Wiki

There are lots of animals, food, and both on Pavala.




The kiya is the primary mount of Pavala. The moa-like animal can carry a little less than a horse can, but can run a little faster. Kiyas have small horns that jut out from the top of their head, and are used to wrap reins around with which they are controlled. Kiyas are very social, living in herds, and are easily domesticated. They have been bred over thousands of years and have various derivatives. Kiyas have an extensive variety of color patterns.


The knont (Unuvi: Hshila) is a two-legged creature, much like an orinthopod, with the milk production capabilities of a cow and the wool-growing capabilities of a sheep. They make a high pitched, croaking neigh from their long snouts and are not shy to spit on anything they find annoying. Underneath their massive cloud of wool is a lithe build which makes them generally unfit for meat cultivation compared to other domesticated animals. Their very ingrained herd mentality is augumented by their use of patterning in their wool to help identify members of social groups; their wool can have a wide range of both patterns and colors, but the quintessential knont has green-brown zebra-like stripes.

Being bipedal, knonts must bend over both to graze and to be milked. Their milk, is famed for its deliciously sweet, thick and creamy taste, though it is unsuitable to be refined into processed dairy products such as cheese.


The shirn is a six-legged beast that is around the scale of a cow, but flatter and laying closer to the ground. It has a long snout that it uses to graze, and the sound it makes is similar to that of a bassoon. It has a long tail which it uses for primitive social cues with other members of its herd. Shirns grow thin brown / black wooly coats which are difficult to shave off. They are most prized for their meat production.


Hexavians, meaning "hexapodal avians", are all the species of flying bird-analogues that are descended from hexapodal ancestors. The main types of hexavians are:

  • Tetrawings: hexavians that have two sets of wings (either separate or conjoined), and one set of legs.
  • Quirds: for ('quadrupedal birds'), hexavians that have one set of wings and two sets of legs.
  • Hexawings: hexavians that have three sets of wings/fins (either separate or conjoined), and no limbs. Hexawings are rare and generally rely on snake-like locomotion or are adapted to swim.


The squird is a type of flightless quird which has many amphibious characteristics, having adapted to using its two sets of limbs as tentacles to propel itself underwater, and its set of vestigial wings as fins to help stabilize its swimming.


Members of the Hyukei order are descendents of hexavian quirds, separated from them primarily by the evolution of fur and their superficial resemblance to many mammals. Unlike mammals, however, hexavians give birth via egg.


The feathercat family is one of the most common hyukeis, with many of its species resembling a more streamlined, cat-like griffin.

Wild Common Feathercat

Due to their small size -- necessary in order to be able to fly -- the wild common feathercat hunts in packs. The wild common feathercat is a forest animal, swooping down from its perch in a tree in a coordinate effort to take down a larger prey.

Domesticated Feathercat

The domesticated feathercat, colloquially known simply as the feathercat, is a very social creature much like the domesticated dog. Thousands of years of breeding across Pavala have produced a diverse array of breeds, with feathercats coming in all sorts of shapes, sizes and flight capability.

The most common breeds in Unuvun are the htuha feathercat and the kae feathercat, commonly known simply as the kae.


Common in Unuvun

Main article: Unuvi Cuisine


Plams are a cross between a banana and an orange; the succulent, sweet part grows in columns inside a banana-like structure, but when peeled more closely resembles an orange with compartmentalized, disc-like pieces that are generally sweet but with a slight tinge of citrus.


The kìchui is a vegetable that is used to create kìchuiseti, the paste which is the backbone of Unuvi cuisine. It is slightly sweeter than miso paste.


Fusave, also known as Unuvi Rice, is a type of cereal crop that is native to Unuvun.