History of Htaevic Rouge

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Ancient Htaevic Rouge

Alotsë dynasty (6,312-6,537 Y)

Development of writing

It was during the short Alotsë dynasty that Hotsan Gget developed the hlunliw writing system, originally to write down the oral poetry passed down through generations of monarchs. This soon spread through the royal class and became the predominant writing system throughout the empire.

Royal cannibalism

It's unclear when the tradition of eating ones ruler upon their death began, however it was already an integral part of succession during the Alotsë dynasty. The heir to a given fief, shire, et cetera was supposed to eat the dead ruler in order to inherit the right to rule. In the rare case that they refused, they would pass down the right to do so to the person next in line of succession, and so on. Only noblemen were allowed to eat the brain, which was considered to be where good karma was stored. In fact, noblemen often requested that commoners engaging in ritual cannibalism send the brain to the castle, where the nobleman could consume it and gain karma, thereby gaining a sort of "mandate" to rule over his fief. Nobody was allowed to eat the intestines, which was considered to be where bad karma was stored.

While processing the deceased ruler, shaman-chefs were employed to divinate fortunes from the arrangement of the ruler's internal organs, especially the idiosynchratic bends and curves of the intestines.

Traditionally, people were only allowed to eat one to three parts of the body depending on how close they were to the deceased. Fingers were eaten to increase ones dexterity, while the foot and liver were eaten in order to gain the 'wisdom' of the deceased. Choice cuts such as the thighs, biceps, calves, etc. were in general just considered to bring good health.


In this era, the most important cities were:

  • Baestamiw (present day Xol), located at the southern edge of the great rift, and the easternmost major city of the Alotsë.
  • Cilawlyawre, located on the Yot river not too far from the Alotsë's border with the Hsuqlihts. This was the capital of the Alotsë dynasty and where they first experimented with building traditional Wzeliwhacan shrines.
  • Renzhilyarë, a city located inland near a large aquifer and the largest gold mine in the world at the time.

Riwnë dynasty (6537-6670 Y)

The Riwnë ('faithful') dynasty was the shortest of all dynasties, lasting just 133 years. It ended due to extreme inbreeding within the family of ruling monarchs, resulting in ruler Tsahotë Riwnë having just 2 biological great grandparents, who themselves were first cousins. He died aged 14, royal legends stating 'a flood of evil spirits infested his lungs'. Modern historians suspect it was pulmonary oedema. The following dynasties developed a taboo on sibling, parent-child, and uncle-niece/aunt-nephew relationships. Cousin marriages did not develop a taboo.

Burë dynasty (6,670-6,804 Y)

The Burë dynasty saw the expansion of wzeliwhacan shrines across Htaevic territory, and the growth of political power in the priest class. Priest Kazhiw Lmget of the Lmtsahacan shrine said that, during one of his prayer sessions (likely using traditional psychedelics) the Messenger of Sin Lmtsa came to him and told him that the so-called 'Elder Beings of Haki' have recently acquired a divine power that they wish to bestow upon a chosen monarch on Pavala. He relayed this message to Emperor Stanzhi Burë who asked Kazhiw Lmget to head the Order of the Elder Beings, a society of priests and scholars dedicated towards finding out more about these divine beings and figuring out how to grant the Burë line their secret powers.

First Htaevic Empire (6,804-7,005 Y)

Gradually, this order became more and more powerful until eventually they ruled the Htaevic empire in all but name; while they would grant the current Burë ruler the 'divine right' to rule over all of the Htaevic realm, the order would use its large bureaucracy to get its way in any disagreement with the imperial household. As the Htaevic's religious identity continued to strengthen they would eventually go to war against their northern neighbors, the Hsuqlihts, who followed the heretical Herlucc religion. This would eventually lead to the downfall of the First Htaevic Empire as the Hsuqlihts were more powerful and able to launch counter-invasions.

It was during the First Htaevic Empire that ironworking became widespread in the region. The First Htaevic Empire also drove out the native Raiwlawbiwmtë inhabitants of the Shattered Islands, known primarily for separating into clans based on their purple and green hair. The purple-haired inhabitants decided to migrate northwards into the Meó basin, while the green-haired inhabitants migrated southwards into Unuvun and displaced the native Konod people.

City layout

As the first Htaevic Empire spread throughout the Shattered Islands, they established hundreds of new port cities, following a common city plan. There was a harbor, from which run a harbor road a kilometer or more inland until it reached the castle. The castles themselves were mostly built from mud or clay brick, supplemented with the limited wood nearby as needed.

Villas for the nobility were constructed in between the castle and the port, and were often surrounded by the inner wall. Outside this wall was where the majority of the city's population lived. Wealthier cities oftentimes had a public wall constructed around the entire city. The Htaevics were a polytheistic people, and originally had a suite of generic gods for concepts like the rain, sun, wind, etc. They worshipped these gods by building wzeliwhacans, a long stone row supported by stone columns, like Stonehenge but in a line instead of a circle. This stone row would be oriented perpendicular to Haki, so that all of the stones were visible from the planet. They would paint murals dedicated to individual gods on each of these massive stones in bright colors, and plant specific flowers and plants around each stone.


Over generations, much of the nobility of the Htaevic Empire became victims of a prion disease known as tsiriwn. This is because the nobility ate a lot of brain, which was where the prion disease would concentrate. The Order of the Elder Beings outlawed the consumption of diseased individuals, and instead began burning them, beginning a tradition of human cremation. However the disease still continued to spread through the nobility, incapacitating the ruling class of the empire and contributing to its downfall against the Hsuqlihts.

Collapse to Hsuqlihta

The First Htaevic Empire would gradually expand its holdings up the Yot River and into the Shattered Islands until its collapse during the Hsuqlihtan invasions.

Hsuqlihtan rule (7,005-7,224 Y)

The Hsuqlihts greatly influenced the development of Htaevic culture, spreading the octal number system, the Herlucc religion and their rudimentary democratic politics.

Spread of Herlucc

After conquering the Htaevic Empire, Hsuqlihta sought to spread their native Herlucc religion throughout the prosperous region. They decided upon a policy of synthesizing Herlucc with the native Htaevic polytheistic religion.

End of cannibalism

The new ruling Hsuqliht class strongly disapproved of cannibalism, however it was an integral part of Htaevic culture. Unrest grew in the various Htaevic tributaries, as the ruling Hsuqlihts would refuse to eat the human brains that they sent as tribute. The Hsuqlihts side stepped this controversy by hiring dedicated "brain eaters" to sit on the aristocratic court and eat all the brains sent as tribute. This satisfied most of the Htaevics. The Hsuqlihts became alarmed as, over the decades, these brain eaters became the only people in the aristocracy to die from tsiriwn.

As Herlucc spread throughout the former Htaevic Empire, a karmic crisis ensued over the practice of cannibalism. It had been common practice noble Htaevics to eat the brains of their deceased subjects in order to accumulate good karma, however under the principles of Htaevic Herlucc, accumulating too much good karma was viewed as a bad thing. Some began eating the intestines (traditional home of the "bad karma") alongside the brain in order to balance good and bad karma, however this failed to become widespread. Eating intestines was still considered highly taboo, and the nobility had a difficult time convincing the common folk to supply them an adequate amount of intestines (intestinal cremation was traditionally the second thing done upon somebody's death, after conducting divination). Additionally, it became common knowledge that the only people in the Hsuqliht aristocratic courts who died from tsiriwn were the ones who ate brains, so many began theorizing that tsiriwn was caused by cannibalism.

So both the Htaevic nobility and the Hsuqlihtan aristocracy agreed to end the practice of cannibalism, instead mandating that all bodies be burnt so that both the good karma from the brain and the bad karma from the intestines can be released back into Kanea. The bones and ashes were kept as a unique source of "neutral kanea" for various projects.

Incorporation of Htaevic gods

To gain legitimacy, the Hsuqlihts incorporated the Htaevic pantheon into Herlucc. They split the Htaevic pantheon into two based on karma, and ordered a rebuilding of all wzeliwhacans to incorporate this change. Wzeliwhacans were to be split in two - on the left of Haki would be gods of good karma, while on the right of Haki would be gods of bad karma. A dirt or cobblestone kanea road would run between these two sets of gods. Larger wzeliwhacans in major cities were adapted by removing the horizontal stones that ran atop the stone columns, and then carving the stone columns into moai-like heads.

Haki Republic (7,224-7,520 Y)

After the split of the Hsuqliht Empire in 7,224 Y, Emperor Lucclucc of the Southern Hsuqliht Empire declared that he had recieved divine right from the Elder Beings of Haki to conquer the entirety of Pavala in their name. He orchestrated great reforms to Htaevic Herlucc, declaring that, after passing the temples to the gods, the Kanea road would be briefly forked into two, and a temple devoted to the Southern Hsuqliht imperial family would be built. This symbolized how the imperial family had recieved their divine right from the Elder Beings of Haki. Emperor Lucclucc waged massive wars of conquest against the Meó, the Northern Hsuqliht Empire, and even parts of Nokhta.

He also established the Htaevic-Delezian Calendar, marking year 0 as the year that the Htaevics split off from the rest of the Hsuqliht Empire.

Establishment of the Haki Republic

Emperor Lucclucc's wife gave birth to triplets, and it was never specified in what order they were born in. This caused controversy as the Southern Succlythian Empire now had no clear line of succession. Indeed, as the years passed all three children grew to be stunningly intelligent and articulate, further compounding the issue of choosing an heir. After the sudden death of Emperor Lucclucc, the three children and the governors of the empire's various territories convened to choose a successor. It was decided that they would vote for the next monarch. The votes showed a clear preference for Kuhnèi, since he spent a lot of time painting his 'visions' of the Elder Beings of Haki. He was proclaimed the first consul of the new Haki Republic.

During the Haki Republic, the language of Classical Htaevic flourished and eventually became a lingua franca across much of Delezia. The Htaevic script solidified into Classical Hlunliw.

Consuls of the Haki Republic

Consul Years Lineage Notes
Kuhnèi the Troubled 7,249 - 7,268 (19 years) Southern House of Hsuqliht The first consul. Descended into schizophrenia in his later years.
Ofqùl/Wargël the Steady 7,268 - 7,278 (10 years) Southern House of Hsuqliht Brother of Kuhnèi. Continued the expansion of the Haki Republic.
Rse Htë Loric 7,278 - 7,284 (6 years) House of Rse Htë Influential merchant who made his fortunes taking control of the great gold mines of Hvalozd. Embezzled funds for years before enraged aristocrats ousted him and established the tradition of impeachment.
(...) (...) (...) (...)
Fòsoja 7,438 - 7,451 (13 years) House of Meó The first Meóese Consul. Well-known for being assassinated.
Tsapöt the Purple 7451 - 7472 (21 years) House of Sömblaw First ethnically Hkamisëbiwmtë Consul. The government did not like that he, as an outsider, became leader and thus stripped away much of the power of the Consul. This and other events during Tsapöt's tenure would sow the seeds for the later civil war known as The Shattering. He was killed by a meteorite.
Hkancùtùsqòn the Dull 7472 - 7485 (13 years) House of Meó Second cousin of Fòsoja. He was known for giving the Palace Court much more power, and stripping away much of the Consul's remaining powers. His rule marked the further decline of the Consul. He was generally unpopular to the Htaevic people and perceived as incompetent.
Hroljuje the Stern 7485 - 7500 (15 years) House of Meó Son of Hkancùtùsqòn. Hroljuje despised his father, and attempted to gain back power for the Consul, which he was somewhat successful in. The republic flourished under his reign, though it was authoritarian. He had a keen interest in the arts and cultural institutions of the republic and established many theatres.
Dan the Helpless 7,500 - 7,520 (20 years) House of Meó The last consul, son of Hroljuje. He tried to implement reforms to give the rapidly growing Meó region more power within the Haki Republic government. But his reign was marked by incredible partisan gridlock, and after his assassination, the government was unable to choose a new heir and a civil war began.

Decline of the Haki Republic

Invasion of Unuvun

You can help keep this canon consistent by cross-referencing it with: History of Unuvun and the Nautical Peace

The invasion of Unuvun by the Haki Republic is generally regarded as marking the beginning of the nation's troubled decline. As the republic became overstretched managing its many other conquests, such as Meó and Hvalozd, its army declined in quality and the ranks became corrupt. Originally thought to be an easy target, the backwater Raiwlawbiwmtë states of Unuvun put up a courageous fight and exacted heavy casualties on the invading Republican forces. Though the Haki Republic was eventually able to assert control over the island, it was undeniably a Pyrrhic victory that still left the Unuvi with great autonomy.

Assassination of Consul Fòsoja

Consul Fòsoja's highest ranking servant, Bèje, plotted to assassinate Fòsoja and seize the throne for himself. The Consul's closest military advisor Klentkuf, however, exposed that Bèje had assassinated Fòsoja, at the same time as he was framing Fòsoja for planning to assassinate the Religious Minister Buwrët. This information enraged Buwrët as he felt it treasonous and detested the suggestion that Fòsoja would assassinate him, and did not believe that Consul Fòsoja's closest servant Bèje were to be capable of assassinating Fòsoja, as they were intimate friends beyond their consul-servant relationship. He then allied himself with Bèje, recognising him as the new Consul, and pressured the Palace Justice Demli into banishing Klentkuf into 'foreign lands'. Klentkuf was ultimately sent into the unruly Hkamisëbiwmtë lands south of the Htasei basin that had recently been the site of much violence and unrest, Justice Demli choosing such a place in an attempt that perhaps Klentkuf would be able to bring greater Hsuqliht influence there through his ruling prowess, despite the fact the Palace had found him treasonous. While in the lands, Klentkuf became allies with local rebel chief Tsapöt. After consolidating much power within the local region, Klentkuf and Tsapöt lead a small army to the Palace to attempt to burn it down, however the army was quashed by Buwrët's Order (an order of religious knights charged with defence of the palace). Palace Justice Demli then betrayed Buwrët, allying with Klentkuf and killing Bèje. This lead to a fight between Klentkuf and Demli in which they both killed each other, leaving Tsapöt to take control.

Despite being named after the Meó region, members of the House of Meó typically spoke Ancient Hsuqliht as a first language, and were of Hsuqliht or mixed ethnic background. Dan the helpless was one of the few members of the House of Meó to be of significant Meó descent, with his mother being ethnically Meó.

Middle Ages (7,520-8,666 Y)

The Shattering (7,520-7,625 Y)

After the death of Consul Dan in 7,520 Y, the regents' council tried and failed five times to elect a new consul due to deep factional polarization. Meó and Hvalozd then issued a joint declaration of independence in 7,521 Y, forming the First Rift Alliance. The First Rift Alliance quickly advanced towards the coasts of their respective regions, however they were unable to push inwards and pincer the Yot river basin.

In 7,523 Y, the Unuvi states declared independence, and together with the Nokhtan Second Zankhti League of Cities and Islands began a campaign of piracy along the southern Shattered Islands.

somehow the rest of the haki republic needs to shatter

The 1,024 Year Spring

The time period after the Shattering is commonly known as the 1,024 Year Spring – a time of relative peace from approximately 7,625 Y to 8,650 Y during which the many former states of the Haki Republic flourished culturally and politically. It ended with the spread of Blinding Plague into the region, killing over 40% of Htaevic Rouge's population. The self-proclaimed prophet Dropo gained a cult following and, after invoking divine right, reconquered much of Htaevic Rouge to form the Second Htaevic Empire, of which he declare himself king (beneath the Elder Beings of Haki). The Second Htaevic Empire would last for an astonishing four hundred years until it fell to an expansionist Nokhta in 9,089 Y.

The emperor of the Second Htaevic Empire would flee to Unuvun, where he was welcomed and continued to rule as "emperor" of the Htaevic realm if only in name.

After a string of failed revolts in the 92nd century, as well as a series of famines and minor plagues, the monk Biplatzë Sagpawë developed the basic tenets of the Hakiism religion, which blamed the Elder Beings of Haki for all the suffering Htaevic Rouge's peoples had endured in the past centuries. The religion spread quickly throughout the poor serf class in Htaevic Rouge and Nokhta, and was subsequently banned in Unuvun and Meó. It was this religious fervor that would become the driving force behind the mass exodus of millions to Ivinis, where they would be "beyond the Elder Beings' cursed gaze".