Elder Beings of Haki

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The Elder Beings of Haki are supernatural beings that are considered to wield great power over the Haki-facing continents of Delezia and Házélé.


You can help keep this canon consistent by cross-referencing it with: History of Htaevic Rouge

Burë dynasty (68th century)

The earliest references to the Elder Beings of Haki are generally considered to be from the Burë dynasty. In this era, the Elder Beings are considered to be benevolent forces that wish to bestow great power to specially chosen Pavalans. The founding of the Order of the Elder Beings institutionalized this idea and led to having the Elder Beings' approval being somewhat equivalent to a mandate of heaven.

Emperor Lucclucc (73rd century)

Emperor Lucclucc of the Southern Hsuqliht Empire invoked the divine right of the Elder Beings in order to launch massive wars of conquest. One of his children, Ken, had many 'visions' of these Elder Beings in his day-to-day life and painted them in his many works of art.

Dropo (87th century)

Prophet Dropo proclaimed that the Elder Beings wished for him to become King of the Second Htaevic Empire (beneath the Elder Beings who were considered to be 'emperors').

Biplatzë Sagpawë (92nd century)

Sagpawë blamed the Elder Beings for all of the suffering in the Htaevic Rouge in the preceding centuries (which included plagues, invasions and famines). He subsequently founded the ideology of Hakiism, which purports that in order to escape the Elder Beings, humans must flee Delezia-Házélé and sail past the terminator in order to live on Ivinis.