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The subcontinent of Lavaank (Rannèva in Unuvi) is located in the southern Uqe Ocean. Stretching from 38-66 degrees south, its climate ranges from temperate forests to taiga. The Hongai Highlands have a maximum elevation of roughly 380 meters above sea level, making Lavaank one of the flattest continental-sized landmasses of the world.


Discovery by the Eka-Hac

Settlement by the Tana

The Blight of 19,204 ravaged the settlements of the Tana people along the [big desert river], forcing many to migrate downriver. Several hundred continued all the way to the port city of Kahákpi, where they found work in the dockyards as manual laborers. The selling of several Auspik caravels to the city-state Kahákpi's government led to the creation of a Naval Command in attempt to emulate the Nautical Peace. The Kahákpi Naval Command, with recommendation of [exiled Unuvi naval captain], decided to undertake a colonization project in order to increase both the prestige of the Kahákpi navy as well as train a new generation of sailors capable of navigating the blackwaters. The Kahákpi government granted the Naval Command a sum of 14,000 Qais, which would be enough to cover a trip across the Uqe Ocean by the caravels. In addition, [exiled Unuvi naval captain] found support from [Nohktan investors] who promised to support the colony should it survive for a period of three years.


The five caravels left the port of Kahákpi with a total of 195 colonists. The destination was originally set to be Ivinis, however deliberation by the Kahákpi government forced the fleet to instead head south towards Lavaank. The ships docked at [Ganuo city] in order to both resupply as well as hire several blackwater navigators before heading out beyond the terminator. After a total of [xx] days, the fleet reached [big bay] on the coast of Lavaank on 19,209/10. Out of the nearly two hundred original colonists, a total of 174 survived the journey.

The fleet entered [big bay] and the colonists disembarked on present-day Kanga, an island in the northern arm of the bay. Exploration parties sent out in the ensuing weeks verified that they had landed where the charter specified, and a caravel was sent out to negotiate with a known Auspik fort several hundred kilometers to the north. Further exploration of the bay revealed several dirt pyramids, as well as a small, abandoned fishing settlement. Explorers also found overrun farms containing a large, orange vegetable that they named the gupeingá that later proved critical to the survival of their settlement along with Unuvi rice, as these two crops were well-adapted to the temperate rainforest climate of Lavaank.


The colonial charter that the colonists drafted was heavily inspired by those of the Nautical Peace's. The New Kahákpi Colony was declared on 19,209/68 in correspondence with the completion of the first wooden structure in the settlement, and the 68th remains a national holiday to this day in [the soleani exodus country], known as Settlement Day.

Settlers soon flooded into the colony, brought by the Kahákpi fleet as well as hired Nohktan galleons. The population ballooned throughout the 19,200's, and Kanga soon began to approach its parent city of Kahákpi in size. Settlements sprung up across the rest of [big bay]. Deforestation accelerated as settlers from all across Amalthea flooded into the inland forests, sponsored by the colony's Southern Homestead Act of 19,294. The act was a key part of the New Kahákpi's Declaration of Lavaankian Ambitions, a part of the colonial charter that stipulated the colony was to expand to cover the entire basin of the bay in order to protect themselves against other colonial settlers to the north and south, such as Auspikitan, the Nautical Peace and Dotruga.

The Kahákpi government tapped into many sources of colonists, such as working to provide transport for tens of thousands of religious refugees from the Éndan revolutionary theocracy during the Revival of 19,342.