Windward War IV
Windward War IV
41 former 9,958 — 43 latter 9,960 Y
White peace
- Creation of the Htaevic Redevelopment Zone by Meó, the Nautical Peace and Rokhtaera
- Establishment of the Parliament for Humanity
- Signing of the Nuclear Limitation Treaty
- Quad-National Dominion relinquishes claim over Herelle, establishes the Tri-National Dominion
- Establishment of the Naborsi Empire
Rokhtaera, the Nautical Peace and others
Meó, the Quad-National Dominion and Zandaera
Commanders and leaders
Commanders and leaders
Military dead:
Over 5,000,000
Civilian dead:
Over 5,000,000
Over 5,000,000
Civilian dead:
Over 5,000,000
Military dead:
Over 4,000,000
Civilian dead:
Over 7,000,000
Over 4,000,000
Civilian dead:
Over 7,000,000